DMR Training, Fireworks Display
Person with Specialist Knowledge Training – DMR Pyro Professionals
DMR Pyro cemented their formal training and qualifications today with a an external course of instruction with Illuminate Consult and each of our key staff have been trained and certified as a ‘Person with Specialist Knowledge’ for Category 4 Fireworks, as required under section 42 of the Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2010.
Illuminate Consult are one of the UK’s leading pyrotechnics training and consultancy providers.
Check for yourself
Anyone hosting a fireworks display should ensure the company and key crew members firing it are certified as Person with Specialist Knowledge. You may independently verify our company certification with Illuminate Consult by simply quoting our company name, DMR Pyro.
- Go to the Illuminate Consult website
- Select the Certification Checker page
- Enter our full company name “DMR Pyro” in the Search by Company box
- Hit the Search button
- Our staff and course details will be listed below the search box
If you have any problems using their checking service, please contact Illuminate Consult direct and query DMR Pyro.
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